Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Worst Pet Blogger Anywhere?

Luisa over at Lassie Get Help has nailed it: The Los Angeles Times' "Unleashed" blog is complete garbage.

It is not writing; it is typing, and it is an embarrassment to the newspaper.

Luisa writes:

Unleashed operates like this: Post a press release. Count comments. Repeat. "What do you think -- is PETA right on or out of line?" I know fourteen-year-olds who can track down facts and ask sharper questions than these people. Blogging doesn't relieve you of the responsibility to be honest and knowledgeable about a subject. Blogging means you should be more honest and more knowledgeable.

Is Unleashed the worst blog on earth? It's quite possibly the worst blog published under the aegis of a major newspaper, or what used to be a major newspaper. I suspect the bloggers are paid per comment and poked with sharp sticks for attempting what reporters in the old days called "research." They are that fact-averse.

My guess is that Lindsay Barnett, the person who puts this out, is fresh out of college, as no self-respecting journalist would confuse typing with the work of actually doing the job.

One thing for sure: She does not know enough about the topic of her beat to write a simple declarative sentence. Maybe that will change sometime in the future, but that's where it's at right now.

Who to complain to? Here's a start: Online Media Executive Editor Meredith Artley at Her phone is (213) 237-5000. Blog Editor Tony Pierce can be reached at the same number.

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