Sunday, February 15, 2009

update on my prince

First of all, my heart is so moved by your thoughts and prayers.  It's one thing to hear of this when it happens to others, but now that it is happening to my prince and I...the outpouring of concern and love is really moving beyond words.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
Gary is recovering from his attack and is scheduled for triple by-pass surgery on Tuesday.
This has been an immense blessing, in so many ways.  A true gift of the heart.
Thank god that this was a minor attack and that we were here...together....and that he is in such a fine hospital...and that his surgeon is so excellent....
and another amazing blessing is that this event has healed 10 years of anger and hurt between he and his sister.  This will do more for his heart than any surgeon could hope for.
I drive along the windward coast on my way to the hospital each day, surrounded by incredible beauty, and I can only count my blessings.
I'm tired...emotionally spent....but deeply grateful.
And yesterday a rainbow appeared outside of his hospital window. 
Another blessing.

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