Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hillary's Numbing Numbers

Free Obama policy policy papers (download for free).

In Wisconsin last night, Obama did not just win by 17 points, he got twice as many votes as McCain, Huckabee, Ron Paul and Romney combined. In fact, he got a higher percentage of Democratic voters (58%) than McCain did Republican voters (55%) even though McCain has no credible opposition at this point.

It's not just that Obama won; he gained double digit ground with white men, white females, independents, union workers, folks with incomes over $50,000, folks with incomes under $50,000, while Hillary lost ground in double digits with every single group.

In Hawai'i, things simply got unhinged, with 20,000 people showing up to vote in a caucus that normally has about 5,000 people voting. The results: Obama got 76 percent of the vote.

The push now is to end it in Ohio and Texas. Obama is tied in Texas, and rising in Ohio, but money is needed to push on to victory.

One thing is certain: the Clinton folks will say anything and do anything to win at this point. They have trashed things so badly up to now that there is not much of a political legacy to salvage, so they figure they might as well go down flinging mud and rocks as it's all they've got left.

No worries; we can expect the same thing from John McCain no doubt. This is kind of politics America is rejecting, and Hillary and McCain simply remind us of why we reject it.

Heads up however: The press wants to sell newspapers and TV commercials, and they will invent a story if they have to. Look for contrived crisis and carefully edited video devoid of context. They will do this to Obama, and they will do this to McCain too. Do yourself the favor of researching the context of everything. and discount any "scandal" that breaks 36 hours or less before a vote in Ohio and Texas. I say this because I have danced (closely) with some of the folks on the Clinton team before, and I know how they operate.

This is how it is with political animals; they are most dangerous when they have nothing left to lose, and just before they die.

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