Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hillary Flounders

Who knows, but I suspect Hillary is not leaving Wisconsin early because she thinks the news is going to be good.

So what does Hillary do? Does she change her message? No, she attacks, because unable to lift herself up, she is content to pull her opponent down.

And she attacks with a lie.

A lie is standard operating procedure for a Clinton. We are supposed to believe her campaign manager suddenly left because of pressing family matters, and that Obama's health care plan is defective, never mind that Ted Kennedy and Robert Reich say it is not. And never mind her 8-year track record of failure in delivering health care reform.

Hillary continues to act as if we are stupid, assuming we will not realize there have been 18 debates to date, and the 2 others are scheduled over the next two weeks. She whines that it's not fair that there are not debates every day. After all, long-winded bitch-fests are her stock in trade, while inspiring speeches are not. How can she compete if she is supposed to act Presidential and communicate directly with the people she seeks to govern?

Hillary continues to cheat, pushing to break the rules in Florida and Michigan, and actively opposing the idea of holding a new caucus in those states, fearful that in a real election after a real campaign, she would slide straight into the tank. And no, Hillary is not for democracy. Hillary is for letting the election be decided by unelected "Super Delegates" whom she thinks she can bribe, brow-beat and bamboozle into going her way. Democracy for Democrats? Surely you are joking! We don't need any stinking voters!

And to cap it all off, she is a poor sport. Obama has won two-thirds of the primaries and caucuses, but she never offers a congratulations. She is too bitter, and is too wrapped up in her own victimhood to give a nod to the better player.

And of course she never mentions the Big Thing -- the fact that poll after poll shows she would lose to John McCain. Hillary would organize and empower the Republican party, while Obama's nomination would result in some Republicans crossing the aisle in order to vote Democrat for the first time in their lives. The same polls that show Hillary would lose to John McCain show Obama would win.


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