Saturday, August 25, 2007

Family Planning for Dogs Not Bitches

A new birth control implant for dogs is on the market in Australia and New Zealand.

Called Suprelorin, it is basically a kind of male Norplant for dogs, which is to say that a small "microchip" is implanted under the skin between the shoulders and this microchip slowly degrades over time, releasing deslorelin which works to halt testosterone and sperm production for months at a time. Eventually the drug regime runs out, and the male dog's fertility returns.

The cost of an implant: between $52 and $77 for 6 months worth of "protection". A one-year version of the implant is in development.

Suprelorin is expected to gain approval for use in the European Union in a matter of weeks, and steps are being taken to enable the drug to be sold in the United States.

And YES, for those who are wondering, a human version of this device-for-men is in the works: both an implant and a "male pill." For more information on that, see here, but the bottom line is that the human version will require men to get regular testosterone shots in order to maintain male characteristics. Hmmm. Bet it's not a big seller. For a pretty comprehensive list of other methods of human contraception, see my old "Field Guide to Contraception".


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