Friday, March 14, 2008

Why Isn't There a NASA for the Ocean?

Why isn't there a NASA for the oceans?

Because, I suppose, the oceans are about life, while sending astronauts into space is simply a politically-correct way of perfecting a method to send a payload of bombs from one side of the world to another. Bang, you're dead. We win. You lose.

And yet, for all you Star Trek fans out there, what would we be saying and doing if we knew these creature were out there in space?

Would we not be advocating spending vast sums of money to explore and understand their way of life?

This video clip is from David Gallo's TED lecture on the work of Edith Widder at the Ocean Research & Conservation Association, and Roger Hanlon at the Marine Biological Lab.

This is the alien world off-shore that we continue to do too little to explore and understand. This is Star Trek ... on Earth.

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