Thursday, October 27, 2011

Falling in love....

"The Spirit Within"  32" x  17"
    I have said this before...but I'm always in wonder of the process of creating art....For me, it feels like falling in love.  That is understandable because the energy used in creating, and in falling in love comes through a completely opened heart chakra and when you're open and the energy flows so easily, one just feels blissful.  :) This piece completely has taken my heart. I place the piece in front of me, when I'm done working on it and I listen to what it tells me.  This piece speaks to me of opening the door to the sacred space of our spirit.  The door is always there to enter and the key to entering is our willingness.  I love the mystery of this piece.  It looks very old like it has been in some ancient castle, hidden from the world until now.

There is a small antique box that opens to reveal an antique key with little Swaroski rhinestones.  Under the box is a opened and beckoning with trust and promise.

Here is the box closed.  I love when one has to participate with art.  The photo doesn't show it well, but there is a triangle shape of iridescent glass in a beautiful shimmering blue bordering the top and bottom of the glass.

Here is a closeup of the door handle...a beautiful filigree metal piece that I discovered in an antique store.

This is my favorite part!  I have created what looks like drips from a candle on the piece and I attached in the upper left hand corner a wonderful really old melted candle that was in an antique candelabra that I have and it looks like it is dripping all over the piece.

Here you can see the iridescent glass triangle a bit better. The piece is in colors of deep black brown, ivory and gold and so the iridescent blue glass is the only spot of color....and also the cathar cross above the box that has a tiny petrified nautilus shell in the middle.

The focal point of the piece is an image of a Shrine that I created. It is covered with a sheet of the wonderful bronze colored mineral mica.....around the mica is tempered glass and all of this is in a art nouveau frame.  Antique French journal pages 1882, hand written vintage music sheets, handmade paper,  tempered glass, antique box, antique key, metal hand, image of artist created Shrine, antique art nouveau frame, cobalt blue crystal orb, very old melted candle, dark grout, Swarovski rhinestones. 
    Reiki Blessing:  Dai Ko Myo    
My intention is that the energy of this symbol radiate from this piece to bless those around it.This is the most powerful symbol in the Reiki group.  This symbol is used to heal the soul.  It is defined as "the treasure house of the great beaming light” and is considered a Zen expression for one's own true nature or Buddha-nature.  This symbol helps to provide enlightenment and peace. With practice this symbol brings profound life changes.  $1500. 

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