Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Dogs of Summer :: Walking on Sunshine

This video is from Hungary and, at the end, gives a small plug for the "Mirror Method" of dog training, which was "created" by a dog training club there called Népszigeti Kutyaiskola or "The Promotion Group of Népsziget."

This dog training group basically has the human owner "mirror" the trick it wants the dog to do. If you want the dog to sit, you sit or squat while you give the command for the dog to do the same. The general idea is that dogs seem to be natural followers, provided the human acts as the leader.

An interesting idea, but somewhat limited, I think, as I am pretty sure my size prevents me from doing some of the things my dogs have learned to do!

That said, as I have noted in the past, any method of dog training that is based on consistency and good timing is likely to work. Squatting is as good a signal as a hand!

Interestingly, if you chase this "new method" around, you find it is not much more than old-fashioned clicker training, of the kind pioneered by Keller Breland, Marian Breland Bailey, and Bob Bailey.

You will also note that this dog training group seems to use instinctive dog behaviors in creating most of its tricks. Another lift from Skinner, Breland and Bailey

Digging? Let's turn that into a trick!

Mounting another dog? Let's turn that into a trick!

Fetch? Let's turn that into a trick!

This is generally sound thinking in all things; work with the grain, instead of against it.

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