Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty.....

Years....and years and years...ago, we had a kitty, here in Hawaii, that we called Kamaiana Kitty.
Kamaiana in Hawaiian means "local"...or one who has lived in Hawaii for a long time.

One day Kamaiana was gone.  She just disappeared.  We live in a little gated community, so it's not like she would have gotten out on the highway, but whatever happened....she was gone.

Well......2 weeks ago I heard a "meow" at our door and there was a skinny calico cat, with a weary, dirty face looking up at me.   What could I do but put out a dish of cottage cheese for her?  And then after buying some cans of cat food, she came inside to eat. And she has stayed.

Is this our Kamaiana Kitty who has returned to us??   I can't say for sure.  
I don't remember her exact markings that well, but this cat is soooo comfortable in our home. She now comes in and out of the cat door which had been closed for so many years, and is now wide open again.  Our dog Kapuna just ignores her like she has lived here forever.
Of course I had to buy her a purple collar with a bell, which she accepts completely, and a little mouse kitty toy.  She is now getting nice and plump and her coat is shiny and her face all clean.

I choose to believe that Kamaiana Kitty has returned to us.  
I choose to believe in miracles.... and this is one for sure.

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